Varun Dhawan has had a successful launch with Karan Johar’s Student of the Year. The young actor starred in the lead alongside newcomers Siddharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt. The actors have signed their next films already, after the success of their debut blockbuster. However, there has been some speculation about the contract signed by the trio with Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions.
Speaking about the same recently, Varun articulated, “Karan is very keen that I should not just stick doing a film with his or his banner. He doesn’t want me to have a mindset that I work with only one or two people. Of course my loyalty lies with Dharma but then people in the industry should know that I am available for them as well.” The actor will next be seen in a film directed by his father David Dhawan and produced by Ekta Kapoor. The film is titled Mein Tera Hero and a female lead has not been announced yet.
Varun also went on to add, “It is very easy to be spoiled after working in a film like ‘Student of the Year’ with Dharma Productions. But then if I don’t expand my wings then all hard work of mine as well as that of Karan would go waste. Even dad wants me to make my own decisions.” Speaking about the roles he wishes to take up in the future, the actor said, “I am okay with doing a positive, grey or an out and out black role. I am very self critical about each and every small thing though. I have set certain targets for myself which I don’t wish to reveal as such. I know though that it would take me a lot of years to reach there.”
Speaking about the same recently, Varun articulated, “Karan is very keen that I should not just stick doing a film with his or his banner. He doesn’t want me to have a mindset that I work with only one or two people. Of course my loyalty lies with Dharma but then people in the industry should know that I am available for them as well.” The actor will next be seen in a film directed by his father David Dhawan and produced by Ekta Kapoor. The film is titled Mein Tera Hero and a female lead has not been announced yet.
Varun also went on to add, “It is very easy to be spoiled after working in a film like ‘Student of the Year’ with Dharma Productions. But then if I don’t expand my wings then all hard work of mine as well as that of Karan would go waste. Even dad wants me to make my own decisions.” Speaking about the roles he wishes to take up in the future, the actor said, “I am okay with doing a positive, grey or an out and out black role. I am very self critical about each and every small thing though. I have set certain targets for myself which I don’t wish to reveal as such. I know though that it would take me a lot of years to reach there.”
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