Actress Alia Bhatt, the gorgeous girl who debuted in Karan Johar’s fifth directorial venture, Student of the Year, recently turned 20. However, the youngster, known for her diligence and her love for work, decided not to take a day off to celebrate her birthday. Instead, Alia continued the shoot for her upcoming film by Imtiaz Ali in Rajasthan. But Alia’s birthday certainly wasn’t uneventful and her mother Soni Razden made sure the pretty actress’ day was special.
Her mother flew from Mumbai to Jaipur just to spend the day with her, surprising young Alia at the sets of the upcoming film. “Soni straight went to the sets to surprise Alia. The young actress didn’t want to take a break on her special day. She was keen to complete the schedule on time. The unit had planned a small celebration for her on the sets. She wasn’t expecting her mother at all,” says a source, adding, “Though she was very tired from the shoot schedule, all her exhaustion vanished the moment she set eyes on her mom. It was followed by the cake cutting ceremony and a small celebration.”
The actress will be seen gracing the big-screen in Imtiaz Ali’s Highway, starring alongside Randeep Hooda. The filmmaker hasn’t divulged much about the film and neither have the actors. Apart from this project, Alia will also star in the upcoming Dharma Productions film, 2 States, an adaptation of author Chetan Bhagat’s bestselling novel.
Her mother flew from Mumbai to Jaipur just to spend the day with her, surprising young Alia at the sets of the upcoming film. “Soni straight went to the sets to surprise Alia. The young actress didn’t want to take a break on her special day. She was keen to complete the schedule on time. The unit had planned a small celebration for her on the sets. She wasn’t expecting her mother at all,” says a source, adding, “Though she was very tired from the shoot schedule, all her exhaustion vanished the moment she set eyes on her mom. It was followed by the cake cutting ceremony and a small celebration.”
The actress will be seen gracing the big-screen in Imtiaz Ali’s Highway, starring alongside Randeep Hooda. The filmmaker hasn’t divulged much about the film and neither have the actors. Apart from this project, Alia will also star in the upcoming Dharma Productions film, 2 States, an adaptation of author Chetan Bhagat’s bestselling novel.
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