Siddharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt stepped into the limelight with their first film, Student of the Year. A Karan Johar directorial venture, this campus romance brought the newcomer trio to the attention of the Indian audiences, film-critics, filmmakers and obviously, rumor-mongers! The newcomers have been subjected to rumors, gossip and linkups time and again. Each of these youngsters have been said to be in and out of love and more recently, Varun Dhawan, the son of the veteran filmmaker David Dhawan, has been linked up with his co-star, Alia Bhatt, Mahesh Bhatt’s daughter.
As per rumors, Alia and Varun have been dating since quite a while now and have been in a relationship ever since the making of Student of the Year. Both, Alia and Varun have disregarded this gossip. While Varun plays Alia’s boyfriend in reel life, in the film Student of the Year, this does not hold true to real life. Though young and fresh to B-town, the actors are taking these dating rumors maturely.
“My father (Mahesh Bhatt) had warned me that this would happen. I was prepared for these speculations. What I’m worried about is the expectations. People are just waiting to write you off. I’ve got this platform at an early age. Many girls would want to be in my shoes. I don’t want such false rumors to overshadow my work,” said Alia Bhatt. The youngster seems to have learned the best ways to deal with bad-press from her filmy family and went on to add, “I don’t really care about people discussing my personal life. I’m fond of Varun and Sid (Siddharth Malhotra) but no I’m not going out with either. And no, I have no boyfriend in Bandra. A boyfriend doesn’t really fit into my scheme of things right now. My boyfriend is Student of the Year.”
As per rumors, Alia and Varun have been dating since quite a while now and have been in a relationship ever since the making of Student of the Year. Both, Alia and Varun have disregarded this gossip. While Varun plays Alia’s boyfriend in reel life, in the film Student of the Year, this does not hold true to real life. Though young and fresh to B-town, the actors are taking these dating rumors maturely.
“My father (Mahesh Bhatt) had warned me that this would happen. I was prepared for these speculations. What I’m worried about is the expectations. People are just waiting to write you off. I’ve got this platform at an early age. Many girls would want to be in my shoes. I don’t want such false rumors to overshadow my work,” said Alia Bhatt. The youngster seems to have learned the best ways to deal with bad-press from her filmy family and went on to add, “I don’t really care about people discussing my personal life. I’m fond of Varun and Sid (Siddharth Malhotra) but no I’m not going out with either. And no, I have no boyfriend in Bandra. A boyfriend doesn’t really fit into my scheme of things right now. My boyfriend is Student of the Year.”
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