Siddharth Malhotra took the big-screen by storm with his debut appearance in the film Student of the Year, a Karan Johar directorial venture. The 28-year-old actor rose to stardom with the film, playing the lead alongside two more newcomers, Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt. Now, after a very successful Bollywood debut, Siddharth Malhotra has signed his next film, Hasee Toh Phasee, alongside Parineeti Chopra. The actor has chosen to stay under his mentor-director’s wing and will star in the aforementioned romantic comedy produced by Dharma Productions and directed by Vinil Mathew.
Apart from this, Siddharth will also make an appearance in yet another film by Karan Johar, an untitled action-adventure movie. For the film, the Dharma Productions chief has teamed up with UTV and has also roped in Remo D’Souza to develop the film. An industry insider recently revealed, “Although the details are being kept under wraps, the genre will be similar to that of the hit Hollywood film franchise, The Fast and the Furious. Siddharth’s role will be very different from how he was seen in SOTY.”
As per what we’ve heard, this upcoming film will include everything synonymous with Karan Johar, particularly his extravagant film settings. Expect fast cars, pretty girls and tons of action in this upcoming film with Bollywood’s newest hunk, Siddharth Malhotra, gracing the lead!
Apart from this, Siddharth will also make an appearance in yet another film by Karan Johar, an untitled action-adventure movie. For the film, the Dharma Productions chief has teamed up with UTV and has also roped in Remo D’Souza to develop the film. An industry insider recently revealed, “Although the details are being kept under wraps, the genre will be similar to that of the hit Hollywood film franchise, The Fast and the Furious. Siddharth’s role will be very different from how he was seen in SOTY.”
As per what we’ve heard, this upcoming film will include everything synonymous with Karan Johar, particularly his extravagant film settings. Expect fast cars, pretty girls and tons of action in this upcoming film with Bollywood’s newest hunk, Siddharth Malhotra, gracing the lead!
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