Karan Johar’s part in the upcoming film, Bombay Talkies, has been grabbing a lot of attention lately. The Dharma Productions chief will be directing a 20 minute part for the film and his segment will share screen-space with short-films by Anurag Kashyap, Dibakar Banerjee and Zoya Akhtar. What keeps this film apart from any Karan has directed before is the fact that the movie just 20 minutes long, unlike his previous directorial ventures that have run well over 200 minutes. Also, Karan was given a limited budget for the film and unlike his extravagant past, the filmmaker has stuck towards the more realistic side of life.
Karan Johar’s short film will star Randeep Hooda, Rani Mukerji and newcomer Saqib Saleem with one very special star, the daughter of an office boy working at YRF who Karan handpicked for a role in the film. “She wanted to see herself on the big screen. She had told everybody in her home town that her dad works for Yash Raj and her friends often asked her if she would ever be seen in a film. The peon managed to put in a word with Aditya Chopra,who in turn put in a word with Karan Johar to help her out,” said a source.
Ashi Dua, the producer of Bombay Talkies, confirmed the news saying, “Yes it is true that Karan Johar has cast the daughter of an office boy working at YRF for a very pivotal role. She has done a very good job in the film.”
The film Bombay Talkies is a tribute to the 100 years of Hindi cinema and will commemorate the day Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian cinema, released the first Indian motion picture.
Karan Johar’s short film will star Randeep Hooda, Rani Mukerji and newcomer Saqib Saleem with one very special star, the daughter of an office boy working at YRF who Karan handpicked for a role in the film. “She wanted to see herself on the big screen. She had told everybody in her home town that her dad works for Yash Raj and her friends often asked her if she would ever be seen in a film. The peon managed to put in a word with Aditya Chopra,who in turn put in a word with Karan Johar to help her out,” said a source.
Ashi Dua, the producer of Bombay Talkies, confirmed the news saying, “Yes it is true that Karan Johar has cast the daughter of an office boy working at YRF for a very pivotal role. She has done a very good job in the film.”
The film Bombay Talkies is a tribute to the 100 years of Hindi cinema and will commemorate the day Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian cinema, released the first Indian motion picture.
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