Karan Johar has been crafting campus-romances ever since his first directorial venture titled Kuch Kuch Hota Hai that took the box office by storm back in 1998. Putting his expertise to use once again, Karan recently pulled the veil off his most recent release titled Student of the Year. Besides being a heart-touching and enjoyable movie, Student of the Year has also been a launchpad for three promising debutants, Siddharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt. A dream debut for the three youngsters, the film has been crowned a blockbuster. Just like Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, this film too is a love triangle that ensues in a campus. Unlike Kuch Kuch Hota Hai however, the film has no second lead. In Student of the Year, Siddharth, Varun and Alia share the lead.
Student of The year |
A movie full of energy, charm and lots of glamour, Karan Johar’s Student of the Year is bound to have you wishing for your younger days once more. The film will released on the 19th of October, 2012, and has a soundtrack composed by music-director duo Vishal Shekhar. Also, the film will include a special appearance by Karan Johar’s lucky star Kajol who will feature in a music video with Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan. There have also been rumors of an appearance by Shah Rukh Khan!
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