The hype around Karan Johar’s fifth directorial venture titled Student of the Year is well justified indeed. The film is one of the year’s most anticipated movies and will see the launch of three fresh faces, Siddharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt. However, against plans inked before, Karan Johar’s upcoming film will have no premiere. Given the fact that Karan Johar and his trio have been busy with promotional activities for the film, a grand and glamorous film premiere will be shed away.
"I would like to present them; I wish we had the schedule and time. I wanted to hold a grand premiere and officially introduce them (the new actors) to the movie industry. But our marketing plans are so extensive, city visits, international travel," says Karan Johar. The film’s cast along with the veteran director has been visiting several venues across the country to promote Student of the Year. Siddharth, Varun and Alia have made appearances at Eternity Mall in Nagpur, Pune’s Indira College, the Podar College in Mumbai, AIIMS-Delhi and more recently, the Dayananda Sagar Institution (DSI) in Bangalore and the Infiniti Mall in Mumbai. The young actors and their mentor-director have also travelled abroad to promote the film and were spotted at a west-London cinema and a press-conference in Dubai.
According to Karan Johar, a full-fledged film premiere requires time and dedication. Fitting one in Student of the Year’s schedule wasn’t ideal, though the director-producer did wish for a perfect launch for his films and the trio of youngsters. "If we have to keep a premiere we need to give it a lot of time, in terms of we need to give a lot of respect to the while calling the industry, seat them well, make sure the event is nice. So we may not get the time. I never kept a premiere after 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' but I wanted to for this film," said the director-producer of the film, Karan Johar.
The film will release on the 19th of October, 2012 and is being produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment.
"I would like to present them; I wish we had the schedule and time. I wanted to hold a grand premiere and officially introduce them (the new actors) to the movie industry. But our marketing plans are so extensive, city visits, international travel," says Karan Johar. The film’s cast along with the veteran director has been visiting several venues across the country to promote Student of the Year. Siddharth, Varun and Alia have made appearances at Eternity Mall in Nagpur, Pune’s Indira College, the Podar College in Mumbai, AIIMS-Delhi and more recently, the Dayananda Sagar Institution (DSI) in Bangalore and the Infiniti Mall in Mumbai. The young actors and their mentor-director have also travelled abroad to promote the film and were spotted at a west-London cinema and a press-conference in Dubai.
According to Karan Johar, a full-fledged film premiere requires time and dedication. Fitting one in Student of the Year’s schedule wasn’t ideal, though the director-producer did wish for a perfect launch for his films and the trio of youngsters. "If we have to keep a premiere we need to give it a lot of time, in terms of we need to give a lot of respect to the while calling the industry, seat them well, make sure the event is nice. So we may not get the time. I never kept a premiere after 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' but I wanted to for this film," said the director-producer of the film, Karan Johar.
The film will release on the 19th of October, 2012 and is being produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment.
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